
Overnight Open Thread

razorbacker6/01/2009 5:15:30 am PDT

If you wish to eat only non-animal food products, I have to quarrel with you. But to claim that you do so from some love of animals and a desire to not kill them for your benefit is simply mistaken.

Those grains, fruits, and vegetables that you are eating don’t just magically appear. They are cultivated. Their cultivation requires the clearing of forests and destruction of wildlife habitat. Species seldom disappear from overhunting, but from the loss of suitable living spaces. Every acre of plowed field is an acre of woodland that is no longer available for those cute woodland creatures.

Dodo birds? Hunted to extinction. Passenger pigeons? Hunted to extinction. There are cases where animals have been hunted out of existance. But if there are no wild places for animals to live and breed, there are no places for them to exist. Which has more animals living on it, an acre of cornfield, or an acre of forest?