
Violence in Tehran, Suicide Bomber at Ayatollah's Tomb

Walter L. Newton6/20/2009 10:48:50 am PDT

re: #344 Naso Tang

Some of the people of Iran say no, obviously all do not. Sure it would feel good to see Obama make more noise, but there is time yet.

I agree however, whatever some think, that coming out too soon against the regime would only play into their hands by giving them the excuse to call it all a CIA plot (remember how the Shah was once helped?). I think it was instructive that the Supreme whatsits chose to call Britain the great satan the other day, not the USA.

The time will come to call them what they are when they have killed more of their own, but simply lambasting Obama for not using tougher words at this stage is silly and would only play into the Mullah’s hands if he did and have more people killed sooner.

As to what we can do about it. Nothing that counts, short of war.

You know, I don’t give two-shits if they call it a CIA plot, western interference or some fucking plan by Microsoft to corner the operating system market in Iran, these people need SUPPORT.


In the least, knowledge that the free people of the world are behind them. Voting “present” is not going to hack it.