
HuffPo: Crazy About Health

Birth Control Works7/29/2009 10:38:19 pm PDT

re: #367 JHW

I’ve worked as a logger most of my life. To say the work is strenuous is putting it mildly. Back pain is a recurring problem in this occupation. Chiros…went once, they remind me of a multi-marketing scheme or something, they want you to come back again and again to get “adjusted”. Milk the cow to the last drop seems to be their motto, then go to dry milking if they can get away with it. After dozens and dozens of back pain episodes I firmly believe most of them (at least for me ) were muscular, not their spine manipulation nonsense. Rest, maybe massages, ice packs worked , chiro didn’t.

Here on the coast a big thing for quite a while was Dimethyl Sulfoxide,DMSO
a by-product of forest product utilization. It’s the damndest stuff I ever tried, its main use is as a solvent, and it penetrates the skin instantly and gives you garlic breath.I’ve seen guys drinking it instead of applying it on the pain site. That didn’t help them socially but they swore it stopped back pain instantly. I’ll pass, although I’ve tried it topically and it worked near instantly.Granges and such sell it marked for animal use only. The medical community seems to have mixed ideas on its effectiveness, as noted in my link.

Every chiro I’ve ever been to was very minimal on bone cracking and realized my issues were soft-tissue issues. They had me doing all the exercises the PT had me doing and some some creative variations that helped. I guess it depend mostly on finding the right chiro.

In the Western burb’s of Chicagoland we have a huge chiro college. That probably helps the overall quality of the chiro’s in the area.