
Tea Party Logo: Lifted From Communist Designs

Cato the Elder9/14/2009 10:54:22 am PDT


I was called for jury duty today. Together with my medical service dog. Cleared that over a month ago with the jury commissioner, who gave me the date herself.

Today I get there and am turned away because of the dog, because I didn’t have a “letter of certification” from my doctor stating what my medical problem is. This, be it noted, is explicitly not required by the ADA, a Federal law that trumps local and state regulations.

Nonetheless, I offered to go home (I’m five minutes from the courthouse) and get the letter as a courtesy. No. Well, then, was I excused? Yes, for today, but I would be resummoned (and expected to bring the letter next time). OK. Can I get the fifteen bucks per diem expenses that all jurors get? No - because I didn’t serve. Well, technically, I showed up and you’re sending me home after making me cool my heels for two hours. Tell you what. Can you just kick out eight bucks for my parking costs? [Jury commissioner herself I’m talking to. She calls court commissioner. Court commissioner tells jury commissioner to tell me to get lost.] Nope. No eight bucks for Cato, nor his little dog, neither.

So I’ve spent the day so far contacting both local papers and every elected official from city councilwoman (who goes to my church) up to state senators and representatives, congressman, both US senators, and the Justice Department.

This city is going to rue the day.

And my city councilwoman felt so bad about it she had her assistant call me for my address so she can send me fifteen bucks. I said I didn’t want her money, I wanted the court’s. But she’s sending it anyway.

Your justice system in action. Someone who wants to serve but is a little bit different - go home! We’d rather just have the idiots who were too stupid to come up with a good excuse.

Sound of jaws dropping in government offices from here to Washington. No one could believe this story.