
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

Bagua11/27/2009 9:03:38 pm PST

re: #350 JohninLondon


The first time I returned to this blogsite after several years you called me a racist. I asked you twice to withdraw, to apologise. You refused, twice.

So I never wish to pay any attention to anything you ever say.

Sorry, Sunshine. In my book you do not exist.

I recall that conversation and you were wrong then and you’re wrong now. Your charge was that I had “effectively called you a racist” was based upon your not understanding the definition of the word I did use. Later this morphed into your assertion of my literally having called you a “racist”, and now you repeat that inaccuracy again as you did on a later thread.

That is exactly the problem with your reasoning, you misunderstand what is written, fail to comprehend when it is explained to you, and then emphatically insist that your misunderstanding is correct.

It’s frustrating to try to reason with you if you persist in these adamant opinions with such poor comprehension.