
Pro-Walker Bus Tour Ends with a Whimper

RogueOne3/07/2011 6:46:58 am PST

I missed this poll last week. MSNBC is having a discussion about it now:

Daniels’s ‘Truce’ Call Finds Strong Support in WSJ Poll

The latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll appears to vindicate Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels‘s repeated insistence that the country needs a “truce” on fights over social issues while it grapples with its mounting economic challenges.

Nearly two thirds of Republican primary voters said they would be “more likely” to vote for a GOP primary candidate who says the party should focus more on the economy and the deficit and less on social issues such as gay marriage and abortion. Only 8% said they would be less likely to vote for such a candidate. The rest said they were unsure.