
Wall Street Journal Counterattacks, Shoots Own Foot

Mostly sane, most of the time.7/18/2011 3:08:40 pm PDT

re: #346 Naso Tang

In all parts or just some?

Well, first off the LDS church never attacked the government. The US government sent an army out to Utah because non-Mormons were claiming we were in revolt. A deal was brokered by a friend of the LDS church, Thomas L Kane, before the army got to Utah: neither side would attack, and nobody did.

I’m not even sure what to say about the baby factory insult. I’m not sure he knows any LDS woman, but I am one, and that just isn’t true. Mormon women have the size of family they want to have. I’ve never been told I can’t use birth control. I know women with two kids, and nobody looks down on them. I know women with more than ten, and that’s by choice. LDS women are encouraged to get an education. Utah granted women’s suffrage in 1870 (the federal government took it away).

Pretty much he just repeated a bunch of Anti-Mormon talking points.