
Trevor Moore's Alternate Universe Kitty History

ObserverArt3/13/2015 9:02:26 am PDT

re: #364 #FergusonFireside

Shaun King @ShaunKing

Letting a loud fart @ Applebees is lacking judgment in a social setting.

Chanting about hanging black men from trees is violent racism
11:02 AM - 13 Mar 2015

You know what really bothers me with some of these far from honest and meaningful excuses apologies is when they state: “I made a mistake.”

How is something that came out of your mouth a mistake? Was it because you knew you shouldn’t have but you did? Or, was it because someone heard it and the mistake was they shouldn’t have?

Try some other words other than mistake.

I guess in the long run though…words will not really not matter as everyone knows it was what you intended all along.

So, instead of an apology how about just admitting you have race issues and you need to work on your character. Now, that might be a bit believable.