
Seth Meyers: Trump Held in Contempt, Endorses Nonexistent Person Named "JD Mandel"

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈5/03/2022 8:32:24 am PDT
The one person most responsible for the looming loss of abortion rights—aside from the president who appointed three anti-Roe justices—is Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins, who in October of 2018 became the 50th and deciding vote in the Senate for Brett Kavanaugh. He would not have been confirmed if it weren’t for Collins, who wanted women to believe as she did that he would keep his word to her.

He did not.

Maybe his fingers were crossed because whatever he said to Collins, it was a lie. Kavanaugh’s confirmation on a bare 50 to 48 vote was the beginning of the end for Roe v Wade, and everybody knew it except maybe Collins, who insisted Kavanaugh was telling her the truth, that he had such reverence for precedence, what they call stare decisis, which means “to stand by things decided,” that Roe would be safe in his hands.

Susan Collins Told American Women to Trust Her to Protect Roe. She Lied. (The Daily Beast)