
Glenn Beck Does the Rockefeller Boogie

Danny Isn't Here Mrs Torrence9/02/2009 8:01:13 pm PDT

A sampling:
Kirls: bob - they’re virtual. the might pink pc will create more
Roses: how sad?
doriangrey: Roses and if they do they try they can kiss our collective asses
WilderTiredofBS: Then leave WLN
Ender: chocolate peanuts as well
Roses: not sad at all
WilderTiredofBS: find another party
Roses: LOL
pythonman: That’s almost exactly the comment I posted, Wilder!
WilderTiredofBS: one that serves beer
Intrepid: Hey python - that’s ok. I was banned for…I don’t know why.
Big_Bob: great kirly i was worried
nanook: are we supposed to be sad?
avideditor: did the lfgers take over
avideditor: ?
Birkenstock_Cowboy: are you Nan?
George_guy: I wasn’t banned but he gave me a hard time for being a rational creationist.
W.L.N.: A case study in psychopathy going on here.
Roses: check out hte list of banned lizards
nanook: no, not really, but I could pretend
WilderTiredofBS: Look in the mirror WLN
Kirls: george, go out in a blaze of glory!
Roses: yes WLN, we are writing our thesis on LGF
WilderTiredofBS: and get stuffed
WilderTiredofBS: bubye
Kirls: WLN - where???
Yahzek: Rational Creationist may be the most ubsurd Oxymoron every uttered in a sentence.
Roses: on people standing by in fear of gettin gangdinged
Big_Bob: they come in here with preconceived notions put into their empty heads by charles
nanook: I just kinda went out with a whimper, not a bang.
Roses: so very sad
nanook: Didn’t even know I was banned for a week or so.
Crazy has joined.
Roses: poor charles
nanook: Yeah, that is sad.
Roses: hello crazy
Roses: hahahaha
Rodan: When I called them Progressives they ran
Kirls: i went out with a hysterectomy! bwahahahahahaha
Rodan: They will not debate
Birkenstock_Cowboy: ROFL
W.L.N.: Get a life everybody
WilderTiredofBS: Let’s not discuss the King LIzard
nanook: LOL
Roses: add your name to the list
WilderTiredofBS: it’s boring
Intrepid: WLN - we laugh. Sometimes small chuckles, sometimes guffaws. But we laugh at those of you still left there under CJ’s thumb.
Rodan: They are cowarsd like Charles
Kirls: 959 Insidious Banned Apples
Roses: yep
Kirls: do i hear 1000?
Yahzek: Obama, Great president, greatest president?
WilderTiredofBS: Obozo, biggest clown
Roses: you froom KOS or LGF?
nanook: Woohoo, going for 1000 IBA’s
Birkenstock_Cowboy: greatest threat to America?
George_guy: All he really did was quote Talkorigins, he doesn’t really know the material all that well himself.
Karagush: MOstly we talk aboput boobies
Karagush: I admit it
Right2thepoint: they are turning into clones Rose
Roses: LOL
WilderTiredofBS: boobies and red rubber noses
Jed_1899: Obama can blow me
Roses: yes I know R2
drazilocu has left.
Karagush: tho i talk about horses
avideditor: which is more progressive LGF or KOS
Kirls: and branden fraser
Karagush: central Asia