
Incredible Sci-Fi Short: BEYOND

Simply Sarah8/22/2013 6:47:22 am PDT

Hi all. I know I haven’t posted on here in a long time (Things happen, I get distracted, and my focus shifts elsewhere), but I felt a bit of a need to post here with the whole situation with Ms. Manning this morning, as I’m well aware how closely LGF has followed the leak story and trial.

I’d just like to humbly ask that, since she has now publicly made clear that she identifies as a woman, proper pronouns and names be used when referring to her. She is a woman and wishes to be referred to as Chelsea Manning. Despite her actions and the strong disapproval one might feel towards them, she is a still a person and deserves to have this part of her identity be respected.

I only bring this up here because I know that Charles and the commentators on this site are not the kind to intentionally disrespect and disregard a trans* person (Especially knowing that at least one commentator is open about being a trans woman), but I also know that society at large still is trying to wrap it’s head around transgender people and how to deal with then. Because of that, I wanted to try and help make everyone here aware of the proper way to be respectful of Ms. Manning and other trans* people, since I know anyone using “he” is doing so out of understandable lack of knowledge rather than hate.

My best wishes to all of you and my thanks for your understanding.