
Interview With #CancelColbert Activist Suey Park: Put a Bird on It

TedStriker4/03/2014 1:22:03 pm PDT

re: #193 GeneJockey

FWIW, I think Suey Park is entitled to her own reactions, but we’re also entitled to our reactions to her.

Perhaps I’m being harsh, but when I read

I think - This person is an idiot. She’s no better than any other racist idiot, whether or not she might occasionally stumble across a valid point.

Knowing that she’s an idiot, and apparently an attention whore, I find myself having to fight to avoid discounting VALID voices making some of the same points. Honestly, she does damage to their cause, by making it easy for folks to point to her and say, “See what idiots these Politically Correct’ lefties are?”


As a white male, I don’t have a problem ‘Suey Park’ being a Asian-American female, I have a problem with her because her manufactured outrageous outrage that’s she’s milking for all of the fame and attention (and money) that it’s worth is sucking all of the oxygen out of ‘legitimate’ arguments and beefs.

For a prime example of that, one has to look no further than what the Colbert Report show tweet in question was skewering to begin with (Dan Snyder’s obvious pandering and patronizing to Native Americans and his steadfast refusal to consider a renaming of the Redskins). Notice that the discussion about the original subject has been completely drowned out and just about forgotten in all of this.