
Overnight Open Thread

Gus3/10/2009 1:58:10 am PDT

re: #342 Kenneth

That could very well be. You also have to consider the recent alliances with Venezuela’s Chavez and AR president Cristina Kirchner and the former president Nestor Kirchner. The current secretary of defense is a former leftist guerrilla member.

The (communist) left along with Chavez have created strong new alliances with anti-Israeli countries such as Iran, Syria, and others. It’s no secret that Argentina now has a strong communist presence. Various pockets of Hizbullah tribes are also found throughout South America which could now be extending into Northern Argentina.

This of course should be seen in context with an Argentinian history that included its neutral stance during WWII (i.e. Nazi sympathizers) along with a rather ingrained acceptance of anti-semitism.

Also see Luis D’Ela who traveled to Iran and was a former cabinet member under Nestor Kirchner.


Jews in Argentina Wary of Nation’s Ties to Chvez