
Video: Rep. Mike Castle vs. the Nirthers

RalphShort7/21/2009 5:20:55 am PDT



According to what I have read a person can have a “delayed birth certificate” issued so long as it is within the 1st year. As I understand it this was for births attended by mid wives or other personnel not affiliated with a hospital. I also understand that his birth was announced in two papers within days of his birth which would argue that it was not delayed. It really does not matter to me whether it is delayed or not, the only thing that peaks my curiosity is he will not release the original documents.

By the way I am not a conspiracy type person, Oswald acted alone, we did land on the moon, the earth is round, etc., etc. However, I find it troubling our dear leader will not release the original documents so I have to ask the question, what is he hiding.