
America Loses - Right Wings Blogs Celebrate

Ben Hur10/02/2009 12:16:52 pm PDT

I think every US president, or American with influence, should do what they can to bring the Olympics to the United States.

The crap elsewhere is sshchenersufreeuden, or whatever that shit is.

They see it as a hit to his arrogance. And I understand the argument made about priorities, because of the “end of the world” campaigns run out of the WH about everything else (aside from A-stan).

Does it suck we didn’t win? Of course.

It probably has to do with the fact that SA has never hosted an Olympics.

Look what happened to South Africa with the World Cup - given first to Germany because of corruption and elitism. There was so much outrage after that that it guaranteed a South Africa victory in the next round.

The only silver lining is not having to hear about the newly named O-lympics.