
Overnight Bird

iceweasel11/18/2009 7:31:41 am PST

Hello from the civil liberties front!

As expected, Obama admits Gitmo won’t close by Jan.

Buried in that WaPo article is the real news:

Administration officials say they expect that as many as 40 of the 215 detainees at Guantanamo will be tried in federal court or military commissions. About 90 others have been cleared for repatriation or resettlement in a third country, and about 75 more have been deemed too dangerous to release but cannot be prosecuted because of evidentiary issues and limits on the use of classified material.

This is the so-called 5th category of detention Obama outlined in his speech in May. Too dangerous to release, can’t be prosecuted. Where are they going to be held? ackerman at the WI says:

A possible clue comes in a recent and widely discussed report from Ken Gude of the well-connected Center for American Progress. As my colleague Daphne Eviatar reported, Gude proposed simply sending the detainees to Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan — which would, in effect, create Neo-Guantanamo. There has been a lot of discussion over whether Gude was floating a trial balloon for the administration. We may soon see.

Here’s that article about CAP and the Bagram trial balloon.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.