
Live Video: Geert Wilders - Update: 'In the Name of Freedom, No Mosque Here!'

CuriousLurker9/12/2010 9:42:16 am PDT

re: #371 Floridagirl

The only reason for people to be upset about Muslims building a community center and mosque two blocks from Ground Zero is because they feel that ALL Muslims are collectively responsible for/guilty of the events of 9/11. If you can think of another reason, please do tell.

The project was announced last December and there was no outcry. It wasn’t until pandering, opportunistic assholes like Pamela Geller, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, and the rest of the Bigot Brigade started up with their concern trolling and spreading of lies & innuendo that all the trouble started.

The mental turds you’ve dropped all over this thread stink. You were given a brain—try using it to form your own opinions and develop some critical thinking skills instead of listening to haters spew idiotic talking points, and then parroting what you heard.