
Pamela Geller Attacks Victims of Oslo Terrorist

Killgore Trout7/31/2011 6:34:04 pm PDT

One of Pam’s commenters is in full Knights Templar mode…..

I find it highly amusing that the Norwegians like to play at being relevant, as if they are. The Jews and the Israeli people are under the protection of the Knights Templar, by no less an authority than Andrew Brevik. To be sure, they may not like it, but they are. To be a socialist is to be a crime against humanity, to act in furtherance of socialism is commit a crime against humanity. Those who live by the sword and attack others and act to destroy their own countries will suffer such in return.
I won’t call Andrew Brevik a madman and I won’t cry for the dead on Utoya Island, either, “for I have seen Him in the watch fires of 1,000 circling camps.

Pam, It’s time to start turning your reader’s information to the authorities, These are dangerous people.