
Pink Bibles Recalled Because of Abortion Cooties

SanFranciscoZionist12/15/2011 4:44:13 pm PST

re: #369 SanFranciscoZionist

OK, it is debatable—I mean, not in any sort of realistic way, but it could be debated.

I’m in favor of making the border as secure as budget and safety will allow, while improving our process of legal immigration, with special attention to Mexico, so that those folks that people are fond of saying ‘got in line’ don’t stay there for decades.

I think we should give more work visas to Mexican workers, and create programs to make sure visiting Mexican workers are given fair pay and safe conditions. I think that citizenship should be available to people through a variety of paths, and that working and paying taxes in the U.S. should give you credit toward this process.

I also don’t believe the border can be ‘sealed’, something I have carried on about here at great length in the past.

I think Arpaio is an SOB.

I hope I have clarified this for everyone. If anyone wants to argue for an open border, let’s hear ya.

I should add to this that we should also get the economy back on track. I’m told that in some areas, undocumented workers are actually going home, since there’s no work to be had, and it’s expensive to live here.