
GOP State Rep. Harris Exploited Foster Daughter for Political Campaign, Reportedly Whipped Children

Tigger23/15/2015 8:11:51 am PDT

re: #369 HappyWarrior

Would that be before or after he had fists removed from his jaw? What an awful person he is. Really exorcisms on children? And children that young too. This guy is the poster child for why the RR is such a poison movement.

I went after a Gym teacher my daughter had once when he made her get into the pool without her goggles (she had forgotten them at home) and she lost her contacts.
She had told the Gym teacher she had contacts and couldn’t get in the pool,
She called me at work and was crying about it and I could hear him in the background screaming at her. I left work fast when I got to the school I was mad as hell they sent the teacher home I was looking for him, I took my daughter out of that school before I left.