
Gateway Pundit/Progressives Today Blogger Arrested for Pulling Gun at Oregon Protest

Shimshon7/09/2016 2:27:20 am PDT

re: #261 Blind Frog Belly White

Well as long as we’re clarifying, the DPD NEVER identified the woman as an accomplice, nor a suspect. She appeared in a tweet from before the shooting NOT one from DPD, near what was almost certainly the guy later misidentified as a suspect. It was not clear they were together, since she didn’t appear in any other photos of him

You jumped from that picture to saying the DPD had identified them both as suspects and that you were thought her bright red, very expensive shoes might mean it was a gang thing, because minorities know you don’t wear red or blue.

Then we all pointed at you and laughed.

The DPD identified the male as the shooter. In the replies to that tweet someone posted the behind picture with him walking with a female. I clearly stated I was just guessing based on the clothing. It was nothing but an off handed comment wondering what might be the motives behind such a horrible event.

Then this huge circlejerk descends on me with people playing all sides of ignorance about life outside your own comfortable homes. From people flat out refusing to accept ANYONE gets shot for the colors they wear, to pretending “oh that gang stuff only happens in ghettos” which is damn racist.

I even made sure to pick sources from Dallas that talk about gangs, and parent groups trying to get schools to change public schools to uniforms because of problems of violence from clothing and colors.

It is very strange to be the only one who posts citations to be laughed at as if I’m just making wild accusations without backing up my point. No see, that is what all you people have been doing, for 2 nights now. Since I have backed up my claims and clarified my comments over and over, and you people keep obsessing over dishonest misquoting I am puzzled as to why you still think you have made any legitimate counter arguments to everything I’ve said. It is like this place is a similar hivemind to reddit, where the majority all laugh and agree with each other who have the same opinions and someone posting something different with examples to back up their claims must be wrong because you, the majority, just have to be right.