
The Bob Cesca Podcast: The Full Babadook

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/21/2020 1:38:44 pm PST

I feel somewhat disturbed that the likes of AOC are so certain that their progressive activism is a winning platform that they can campaign against incumbent Democrats.

Maybe I’m just getting old, but I get the feeling that a lot of young people are not really as tuned into the world as they like to think.

We are a nation where a rather diverse but still somewhat conservative view of the world dominates. Even among long time Democrats, the general feeling is to stick with older ways (especially in regards to religion) rather than a radical form of “progressive”.

If I were to rank what I think are the hills to die on, they would be:
(1) remove remaining political disenfranchisement, and
(2) fix any lingering bigotry in the justice system.

To me those should be no-brainers and certainly most Democrats would agree.

But if you’re campaigning on such gimmicks as eliminating college debt, or taxing churches, etc., those are just too segment-specific to go all crazy in undermining your party.