
France Loves Creationism (Because It Makes Americans Look Stupid)

kywrite2/12/2009 8:27:11 pm PST

re: #366 Dan G.

nippin’ out?

LOL! Trust a guy to read the worst into it. No! It’s when a large-bosomed woman wears a button-down shirt. Very few of these often-dainty-buttoned shirts are really suited to the stresses involved in covering those up — and one button is (strategically?) placed right on the point of highest stress. I have been known to lose buttons, usually at the worst possible time, but usually they just pop open.

The good news for you guys: it leads to more bosomy girls wearing sweaters.

/truthfully, though, your interpretation? Well, let’s just say I don’t often wear strapless tops. But that’s not equivalent in any way to XYZ; if it’s hangin’ out, you pretty much know, no alert required.