
Stephen Colbert Does a Show in His Bathing Suit [VIDEO]

Alephnaught3/17/2020 3:41:18 pm PDT

Hello from Glasgow, Scotland! I’ve been working at home since last Friday. My work is lucky enough to be one of those sorts of companies that work with different clients, and so we have each a company laptop so we can do working on-site. Thus, we’re capable to work from home if needed. Last Tuesday, we were advised to take out laptops home with us each day, just in case we needed to work from home. Two days later, we were advised to work from home, So, I’ve been working from home since Friday.

So, over the past three days of working from home:

* Over those three days, the amount of people in our company working from home has gone from 50%, to 75%, to basically everyone.
* Every morning, the work has a general meeting on Microsoft Teams. It only lasts about 15 minutes, but you see all these people you know from the office, alone and in their home environments, and it feels really weird, because we’re still acting as a team.
* Went the local Lidl’s yesterday at lunchtime. No loo roll, no shaving foam or gel, no pasta- apart from Pot Noodle.
* Had to go into the office today to pick up something. Only one other people in the office, and he was going to leave in about 15 mins. I was there less than 5 mins.
* Glasgow city centre noticeably quieter than usual
* Some drink/food places shut, but a lot that are still open no longer accept cash payments, but contactless card payments.
* There might be no loo roll in the big supermarkets, but the local newsagents are well stocked. (I was able to get loo roll and shaving foam there.) That might not last too long though…
* Went to my Mum’s (Who is 79) today and set up Skype on her laptop, and we had a lot of fun doing a test call to each other. If the country does need to go into lockdown, at least I’ll be able to Skype her, and we’ll be able to see each other’s face. Even then, it felt like a helluva risk to go to her house at all.

So I’m chilling out tonight with some music.

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