
When Airbnb Goes Horribly Wrong: "Super Host"

mmmirele5/26/2024 10:57:31 am PDT

re: #303 William Lewis

I thought the Star Wars toys did it even before that? I may well be misremembering though. I really didn’t care much…

There were no Star Wars toys in 1977. Apparently Fox only licensed movie posters and T-shirts. My personal memory, from working in the toy department of my local Target in fall 1978 was the Star Wars toys were new for this year, and when they weren’t flying off the shelves, parents and children were taking them out of their blister packs and playing with them. We’d go through after closing at 10 pm and try to mate up toys with their empty blister packs and then try to make them salable again, usually through the use of Scotch tape or stapling. I believe we sold every one we had.

This was also the Christmas where little kids (the elementary school crowd) were asking their parents for KISS records.