
Fail of the Day: Radar's 'Exclusive Breaking News'

Aye Pod3/04/2010 2:20:07 pm PST

re: #362 Spare O’Lake

re: #46 Jimmah

So for one it’s the outrage at the special treatment, and for the other(s) it’s the outrage at the outrageous hypocrisy.

Oh, by the way, I just wanted to express my relief that your outrage is grounded in hateful jealousy and personal animosity, and not in any concern for offending believers in Allah.

Hahahahah…talk about hypocrisy…hahahahaha.

Jealousy - of what, exactly? And I assure you I have no personal animosity against Mandy - just some of the things she says and stunts she tries to pull here.

Speaking of “hateful jealousy and personal animosity” - that’s quite obviously your bag Spare. Nice projection, as always.

PS As I’ve stated when this came up before - I think Mandy’s avatar, and more importantly the willingness of some people to defend it, would be a great turn off to any muslim posters who happened to register here.