
Matthews to Bachmann: 'Are You Hypnotized?'

kirkspencer11/03/2010 4:20:12 pm PDT

re: #361 MinisterO

re: #312 Obdicut

There is the conundrum. Good teachers are rare. Teaching in a public school is a shitty job, in terms of pay and respect, and often, working conditions. As a teacher everybody is your boss. In many places the promise of job security is all the public school system has to offer prospective teachers.

I seem to recall that a very large proportion of teachers quit after five years.

I do know that the myth of teaching being an easy gig is just that - a myth, at least for the first few years. Add the homework grading and the daily mandatory extra duties and almost mandatory daily meetings before/after school and you work much more than 8 hours a day. Mandatory continuing education then tends to kill much the ‘long vacation’.