
Video: Samantha Bee Interviews Women Who Lead (Other Countries)

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈10/27/2016 10:03:19 am PDT

In addition to dropping Vine, Twitter claims that they’re going to marginalize the crazies, but I’ll believe it when I see it.

Twitter explained the reasoning behind this overhaul to its service in its letter to shareholders:
All the initiatives above are focused on enabling people to consume and express themselves freely; freedom of expression is core to who we are. Everyone on Twitter should feel safe expressing diverse opinions and beliefs and targeted behavior that harasses or threatens others to silence another person’s voice is unacceptable to us and a violation of our policies.

The company will also introduce new policies and safety features in November to help people feel more comfortable with the service. Twitter as a social network can be hard for many people to understand, and even those who do see the service’s value might leave after having a bad experience with another user, so it makes sense for the company to plan changes that will make it seem much more inviting and worth visiting on a regular basis.