
A Moving New Song and Video From Becca Stevens: "Queen Mab"

klys (maker of Silmarils)2/25/2017 11:11:54 am PST

So I had to acknowledge today that I can’t do the Star Wars Dark Side Half this year down in FL (I couldn’t find a way to do it for less than $1k and I don’t have that kind of money to spend on a race :( ) and so my Kessel Run medal will have to wait until another year. (DUDE IT IS THE BEST LOOKING MEDAL EVER. GOOGLE IT.)

Which means today I will register for a few other half marathons because that is what responsible adults do. I’m thinking I’m going to do a half up among the redwoods in May, and there’s a local one on March 26 that should be fun.

I need to figure out what kind of spacing I should have between half marathons.