
And Now, Meerkats Practice Security

Irish Rose1/16/2009 9:03:40 pm PST

Feeling a bit pissed off tonight, suffering from saleus interuptus.

I have a beautiful vintage accordion that I’m selling on EBay, made by one of the most sought-after accordion makers in the world. I’ve owned it for years and it’s been stored it in a climate controlled environment all of this time.

Took it out yesterday to set up the EBay listing…. ran through all the buttons keys and switches, and it sounded beautiful.

I picked it up tonight to play a couple of tunes, though, and I’ll be damned if two of the treble reeds aren’t buzzing.

I have a mailbox full of inquiries tonight from interested buyers, but it looks like I’ll have to pull down the auction, open it up and do a repair job on the reeds before I can sell it.
