
Ask Bobby Jindal About His Creationism

Jetpilot11012/21/2009 10:23:38 am PST

re: #353 rhymeswithright

Actually, I want to commend Charles for making me a stronger Christian. I now know more that I did concerning the dishonest strategies these folks use to push their agenda. I also know more of the Bible verses that speak specifically against these dishonest tactics. Christianity and living for Christ is one thing, pushing your religion into science classes is another. God doesn’t want forced faith, he wants us to choose him. By being dishonest, these Christians do the faith a disservice and consequently impact the witness of millions of Christians. Jesus told us to be subservient to the government, not to take it over. We are to live within the times, not force others to change them. Remember; “by their fruit you shall know them”. I don’t see much fruit coming out of the policy of “lying for Jesus”. I would strongly encourage you to read your Bible and question the groups that want to force religion on folks who don’t want it. I think you will find that Christ wants no part of this. I want no part of it either.