
Pamela Geller's Obama-Hitler Obsession

danrudy8/16/2009 2:58:21 pm PDT

re: #323 Wendya

Obama didn’t run on a Bush/Hitler platform. He ran as a moderate democrat and people who didn’t know his record, bought his act. National elections are won by the registered voters who get their information from the evening news.

First off…thank you for your thoughtful reply. You unlike other seem to revel in downdinging merely for fun and without comment.

I respectfully disagree with BOTH points you made.
First off, Obama won the election completely running against Bush. He tore him down at every instance and there was certainly enough innuendo to lend support to the Bush = Hitlers left point of view. Be it, Patriot acts,illegal wars for profit or Guantanamo. He may never have said the words or personally carried a sign but I would bet from his comments and the people he surrounded himself with that he wasn’t disagreeing with that point of view.
However, this is off topic. No one is running for anything on a Obama =Hitler platform either at the moment. If they are, I am unaware.

Secondly, you think this election was won by registered voters who got their info from the evening news? LOL
Well, technically, most of the people ACORN was getting to vote were registered at the time they voted but I assume you meant people who have been registered for years.
Would the evening newscasts you are referring to be the same evening news that was in the can for Obama. Rather gate, Chris “tingly pants” Matthews etc.
While it may be true that most elections in the past were decided the way you state, I think we are in a new paradigm. People here snippets and it is the middle road America that decides elections based upon how the candidates are presented to them. There is no scratching below the surface.