
Overnight Open Thread

drcordell3/18/2010 8:36:42 am PDT

re: #367 gegenkritik

Well, actually I am not excactly what one would normally describe as a “right winger”. Not god-fearing at all, pro-choice, pro same-sex-marriage, against creationism being taught in schools.

On the other hand I think that George W. Bush was one of the best Presidents America ever had, that Islam is not Peace and that Jews should be allowed to build houses in Israel, which makes me an extremely rightwing radical fundamentalist, according to many commentators here.

That’s great. But nobody is saying Jews can’t build houses in Israel. Obama is saying that Jews can’t unilaterally build Jewish-only housing in East Jerusalem. And guess where that American policy first originated? The father of your beloved George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush.

So don’t come around here telling me that Obama is an anti-Semite when he is explicitly maintaining the status-quo United States policy towards housing expansion in East Jerusalem. Get your facts straight before you spout off ignorantly.