
Wingnut Radio Host Berry On NY Mosque: 'I Hope Somebody Blows It Up'

Fat Bastard Vegetarian5/28/2010 4:02:43 pm PDT

I’ve told the story here of how I lost a job when the boss used the “N” word here. Well, a guy friended me on Facebook who worked closely with the boss who fired me.

Here’s his post today…

Black House Used Bill Clinton to Try to Get Sestak Out of Pennsylvania Race. Do you really believe this story? Who would ever take a unpaid job on a board to drop out of a race..Another cover up, from the Nobama black House…

These assholes piss me off. Ain’t it a good enough story without the racist shit? I’m going to kick his ass on Facebook.

Wanna bet I’m about to get fired from his Facebook? I’m hopin’.