
Overnight Open

Gus10/05/2010 9:23:30 am PDT

Here’s this from Think Progress:

Union City Fire Department Chief Kelly Edmison objects to the new expansion, saying that “the best option is a true fire tax. It eliminates this having 9/11 or whoever check to say, ‘Are they covered or not covered?’ The last thing a firefighter wants to do is to not be able to help when they’d like to.” According to documents prepared by the county in 2008, a paltry 0.13 cent increase in property taxes on each household would be all it would take to fund fire services for the towns within the county.

At least Chief Edmison is finally a voice of reason in a region of Galtian stupidity. The report is that now Obion County wants to expand “subscription only” fire protection. All of this because they refuse to institute a 0.13 cent increase in property taxes which translates to 104 dollars for 80K of value. So instead of raising taxes they institute fees which will cause future problems and more homes burning down to the ground. No new taxes they will scream! Instead, a fee and more Boss Hog shenanigans.