
Gaza Video Supplier Responds

RaiderDan1/11/2009 5:59:17 pm PST

As a former EMT and firefighter who has performed CPR on dozens of adults (thankfully no children) this is completely fake.

In previous threads we’ve been over before the numerous flaws in the video about incorrect bended elbow compressions, incorrect hand placement, incorrect depth, lack of IV access, lack of ventilations, bagging, lack of endotrachial tubes, and the biggest, in my view, the performance of CPR in a hospital bed, not on a backboard, along with the general lack of intensity and staffing at this alleged “code”

Unfortunately, we’ve unwittingly given the Hamas propagandists a checklist when they want to fake their next “code.”

I challenge any doctor, nurse, EMT, paramedic, trauma surgeon, to say this is real and not staged.

But the one I REALLY want to challenge is Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent and Surgeon General Nominee. Hopefully some Republican Senator during his confirmation hearings will ask him (I’m thinking Senator Tom Coburn, the only doctor in the Senate currently) whether he thinks this scene is real.

If he says “yes”
during testimony, its correct performance for a “code” and CPR his credibility as a neurosurgeon and doctor is shot and he knows it. If he does the right thing and says “no” CNN’s news credibility has been given a fatal dagger to the heart.

I’m betting his reputation as a doctor and a surgeon is more important to him than defending CNN. If he wants to be Surgeon General, CNN needs to retract this NOW.

(CNN is of course standing by this, not because they believe its true, but if they retract it now, their reporters and producers in Gaza will probably face retribution. Thats what happens when you make a deal with the Devil known as Hamas)

As Terrell Owens said. “Get your popcorn ready.”