
Zombie: Anti-Israel Rally in San Francisco

LGoPs1/12/2009 1:24:29 pm PST

re: #337 Kenneth

The problem is today’s “liberals” don’t really understand or support true liberalism. The Democratic party is more about protecting their power base, politically-correct limitations on free-speech, and extending state control. Those policies are the opposite of true liberalism which is about extending political, intellectual, religious & economic liberty to all people.

Very correct. The true irony is that I am a classical liberal even though many leftists, no doubt, would call me a hard right conservative.
I would never dream of shutting down opposing viewpoints for example. Questioning oneself and hearing other sides is healthy. It’s the other side that acts like robotic automotons, crushing any form of dissent. And they do it while screaming tolerance. How do you talk to these people? In my case I’m learning you don’t, unfortunately. It’s like trying to talk to the Borg…….