
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

Sharmuta2/15/2009 7:44:29 pm PST

re: #335 Summer

They think they don’t need moderates in the party. They blame us for losing this election. They think if less moderates had been attracted to the GOP this election that they would have won.

It doesn’t appear as these people understand basic math. Then again, it isn’t surprising as they also happen to be, by and large, Creationists. Science doesn’t appear to be their forte.

Less votes = victory? I don’t really see how that works. Perhaps they might find a biblical passage to justify it somehow if we ask them. Maybe it’s somewhere next to the line about Joshua stopping the sun.

I suggested a week or two ago these people form a Christian Fundamentalist party and see how well they do if they think they’re so damn strong in the party. I think they’ve decided to hijack the GOP instead, so I don’t know. Maybe it’s time for a good right-wing moderate to run independently.