
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Summer Seale2/26/2009 8:34:46 pm PST

I watched all of it - every single second of it.

Then I typed something up in this form an hour ago to say what I thought and about my utter revulsion and loathing for this ideology.

But I didn’t hit Post because I don’t think anyone would have tolerated that level of loathing and invective against this fucking raging lunatic of a woman who thinks that one year old babies are sinners and can go to hell.

Anyone who believes that is an utter fucking fool, and their “morality” that they wish to impose upon all of us scares the hell out of me. They can take their holier than thou attitude and shove it up their asses.

There are doctors, like Dr. Salk, who have literally saved millions of lives by their own hand in the last century. And these creationist fuckers would have us believe that this moronic bullshit artist of a woman sitting there in the creationist “museum” is less offensive to “God” than somebody like Dr. Salk?

It’s also nice to know that she thinks that every Jew is going to hell. I wonder if she would have said the same thing to all the Jews being filed into the gas chambers before they were killed.

She’s nothing but a vile piece of rectal bile spewing her infectious bullshit.

I find myself contemplating the purest hatred for her and her kind. And this is the moderate version of the post which I was originally going to publish.