
Video: Political Sheep from Hell

cliffster2/04/2010 1:54:34 pm PST

re: #364 torrentprime

I repeat - what was the money spent on? You cannot simply compare one money stack to another. If the 94 - 08 crowd spent it on green lantern rings (Iraq), and the Ds spent it on infrastructure and health care reform, which will help stop the runaway spending on health care - how is that bad? I’m not saying it can’t be proven, but “you spent more than me” doesn’t mean anything. It’s like saying someone’s $10,000 401k investment was more “wasteful” than someone’s $3,000 bar tab because it cost more.

Health Care Reform will not stop runaway spending, it will just force the country into bankruptcy quicker as DC pays for 35% of peoples’ runaway spending. And make the insurance companies even richer. If you haven’t yet realized that Congress does much of what it does to make their rich buddies even richer, you would be well served in understanding that.