
Crack in the Far Right World

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/21/2010 8:46:51 pm PDT

re: #366 Idle Drifter

I don’t think you are crazy or odd. It’s the terminology that I have a problem with as each item has a set of different conditions. One is the lesser or lack of taxation. While the other is taxation with a refund or assistance based on the submitting the proper paper work and gaining the approval of the proper authority to receive that said refund.

Oh, okay, I get you. Lesser taxation is just removal of the paperwork, from my perspective. But I’m not sure exactly what you mean by lesser taxation.

If Company X maxes xidgets, and is taxed at 5% because it’s an xidget company, and Company Y makes yidgets, and is taxed at 8% because it is a yidget company, then Company X is receiving an indirect subsidy.