
GOP Budget: No More Color Copies for the Pentagon

KingKenrod4/05/2011 1:17:14 pm PDT

re: #352 engineer dog

at any level, failing to do whatever we can to make sure that every child in america gets the best possible education, nutrition, and medical care is going to damage this country much more than a raising tax rates on wealthy people back up to what it was in the 90s to help pay for what we need

“Best possible” doesn’t acknowledge the law of diminishing returns. If you double money spent on education, you don’t get people that are twice as smart, capable, or even competent. You have to find the right point, not the best point…and maybe if a system is failing, the best remedy is a different system & policies, not more money. Corporation squander their profits on bad investments all the time, there’s no reason why government doesn’t do it either….