
Sunday Evening Acoustic Awesomeness: Antoine Dufour, "1979"

A wild WITHAK appeared!7/04/2016 9:47:10 am PDT

Dispatches from Minnesota’s supposedly-largest Independence Day parade, in which I was a participant:

I only saw one anti-Clinton item (“Hillary for Prison” t-shirt) and one MAGA hat, and they were on the same person. That’s one idiot too many, but far fewer than I expected.

On the other hand, people everywhere, mostly kids, had these little stickers with “VOTE 2016 JESUS” on them, handed out by something that looked like “Faith Initiative.” Combining this with supporters of a Republican candidate for state House, Mark Koran, meant that a lot of people were advertising “KORAN VOTE 2016 JESUS” without seeing the contradiction.