
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel6/01/2009 5:25:52 am PDT

re: #347 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

re: #347 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Don’t want to kill an animal to eat, I can survive just fine on veggies.

I was vegan for three years (felt great, actually), but I travel so much, that every time I ate in a non-Chinese type restaurant it became like the Spanish Inquisition with me and the waitress trying to find out what was in this, what was in that.

Plus I like cheese. And did not want to continue to live without cake.

I do not speak of ethical and morals when it comes to my choice though. I have enough shortages in those categories to be smug about it.

That’s really cool.

I was vegetarian for a while. After about 3 years I got sick. It was precipitated by a B12 vitamin deficiency.

I’m too damn lazy to do what i should do to eat a balanced diet and learn how to do so while being vegetarian.

I never had any interest in telling other people what they should eat or how they should live. I’m further reminded of my own moral and ethical shortcomings every day because my laziness trumped my convictions. Not that I needed reminding, because this is far from the only category where I fall short myself….

Anyway, kudos to you. I admire you.