
Comedy Central Backs Down After Islamic Group's Threats Over 'South Park'

The Spite House4/22/2010 4:25:04 pm PDT

re: #359 windsagio

I’m not disputing many of the things you said (altho’ some of those claims per Mohammed specifically I’d never heard before), I’m just thinking that given the bigoted attitude of many on here towards that particular region anywyas, we don’t need more anger or piling on.

In a similar way, I don’t really enjoy people picking on Scientology, and won’t do it myself. I mean sure its crap, but its also an easy target, and picking on them doesn’t do any good, except to make people feel good in unhealthy ways.

I have absolutely no objection to this statement.

Play the following and skip to about 6:20 if you have to. It’s Harlan Ellison discussing his personal experiences with L Ron concerning $cientology.

Youtube Video