
Wired Journalists Say Chat Transcripts Contain 'Nothing Newsworthy'

Usually refered to as anyways12/30/2010 7:29:02 pm PST

re: #367 Aceofwhat?

oh, i think he might well escape legal punishment. absolutely. i also think that Mr. Abrams enunciated quite nicely why it’s not at all the same situation as the Pentagon Papers.

i would, however, be in favor of a law which provides us a method for prosecuting the Assanges in the future.

Yes, specifically he made points about the difference in contents choice of which was published and motivations for doing it.
They are clear differences, but from a legal point of view wikileaks played the role the NYT played.

I hope that the US does get on top of that security, as we know the cables affect many countries and who in their right mind wants to crash the economies of the western world.

I understand that a person will need to have access to documents.

I fail to understand that for how Manning would have the ability to download 250000 documents.
I also fail to understand how he was able to burn/copy them.

This needs to to fixed.