
The Attack of the 2012 Iowa Caucus

moderatelyradicalliberal1/03/2012 7:10:55 pm PST

re: #353 aagcobb

Santorum has no organization outside Iowa and no money. Romney’s superpac will crush him.

I see your point, but what could that superpac money say that will make evangelicals turn from Santorum to Romney? Romney’s superpac took Newt out, but that really wasn’t hard to do with all of his baggage. All of that money and Romney is still stuck at about 24% in Iowa and in national polls. Newt and Herman Cain’s supporters didn’t go the Romney, they went to Santorum and probably Paul. If Bachmann, Perry and Newt are knocked out of the game, where do their supporters go? Romney doesn’t seem like their first choice for an alternative.