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Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))5/16/2013 10:11:28 am PDT

re: #375 AM3R1CAN

Hard to believe I registered here 7 years ago! I mostly just read now. Post on occasion. Still my favorite blog! I first learned about this place from the Rush Limbaugh show. So yeah, you know it was a long long time ago! LGF opened my eyes quite a bit on a number of things. Mostly I would say that it doesn’t matter if you have an R or a D in front of your name. Most politicians are in it for money and power. Not saying all, but for most yes. They could care less about America and Americans. Money and Power only.

I started blogging about the time of the Second Gulf War in 2003, was big on a site called Warblogging, which often criticized LGF for being terribly reactionary.

I started checking out the site, found it conservative but at least measured and reasonable in its criticism of the left. And it was anti-creationist, which I saw as a good sign.

Joined up to have a good argument but stuck around for the discussion and to watch LGF abandon the right entirely and earn the wrath of its former fellow travellers.