
HuffPo: Crazy About Health

Birth Control Works7/29/2009 10:46:26 pm PDT

re: #372 zombie

From the original article Charles links to above:

This is not exactly true. How do I know? Because I, me, was offered a spot as a Huffington Blogger. Yes, it’s true. But it’s not as important as it sounds: there are hundreds if not thousands of people who have Huffington blogs/columns spread across the various categories; most of these people don’t even bother to blog regularly, because they don’t have much to say to the world. And the key fact is: it doesn’t pay. No money is involved — your “payment” is the “privilege” and the “platform” of spewing whatever it is you want to spew with the Huffington stamp of approval.

Now, you may be wondering how “zombie” of all people would get this offer. But ah, that’s the kicker: because it wasn’t the “zombie” persona who was offered as a blogging spot, but rather the “real” me. The Huffington folks don’t know thing one about zombietime and have no clue I run it. If they did, the offer would obviously be withdrawn.

Which brings me to my problem: Although I could right now post something on Huffington, I have never done so, even once. I have the password, the instructions, the whole deal. But the problem is, I’d have to do so as the “real me,” and in that persona I really don’t have anything to say that I think needs saying. Since the real me is not out of the tool closet as a non-moonbat, I can’t really start ranting and raving about the issues that really concern me. So I’d be forced to either write lies, or write something namby-pamby and pointless. So I remain mute.

What a dilemma!

Not sure what I should do about it if anything at all. It’s just so ironic to have direct access to the top blog in the world, and be unable to make use of it.

(And no, don’t worry about me being “outed” by revealing this info: there are hundreds of people in my exact position, as Huffington guest blogger spots are handed out like candy to the “correct” people, of which I qualify I guess — and most of those people don’t ever or rarely take advantage of it. Plus, no Huffington admin is ever going to read this thread.)

I always knew you were special!