
The Proudly Ignorant Party

_remembertonyc4/08/2010 8:22:51 am PDT

re: #377 wrenchwench

I’m one of the downdingers. I did not, however, participate in any stream of lectures or harangues. My ding was because I’m tired of sarcastic expressions of victimhood, such as the one Silvergirl gave. The fact that she mentioned trailers again didn’t help. Your comment that she was responding to had none of that.

wrenchwench ….. I respect you very much and think you are one of the good people on the board. I think Silvergirl was expressing certain frustrations, some in “over the top” fashion, but some are valid. You are a more “veteran” poster who can relate to “dissidents” like us more than a lot of the newer posters. Since you mostly agree with them, you may not have been as much in their crosshairs as some of us. Discussion is great, as long as “give and take” is part of the process. Preachiness (which you do not indulge in) is tiresome and when someone (again, not you) tells me they can’t take my opinion seriously, I become annoyed. I am not a flamethrower, but I am “off the reservation” to many on the board. So Silvergirl gets a pass from me because (in spite of the hyperbole) I can relate to where she is coming from.